Rabu, 10 November 2010


Oleh : Ely Nilawati, S.Pd
Why is it essential to learn English especially for you, SMP Negeri 2 Boja students? Well, in my opinion, there are several reasons for you to learn English well.
Firstly, English is one subject that is tested in the National Final Examination (UAN), besides Indonesian, Math and Science. As we know that the minimum standard of national graduation tends to increase from year to year, the preparation for the examination should be increased, too. Last year, a SMP student had to achieve minimum 22 points for the four lessons, no more than two 4 marks and still, she/he must not have marks less than 4. This means, for the English lesson itself, a student must get at least 4 or 5 marks. It seems to be small in number, but in fact for most of students, especially SMP Negeri 2 Boja students, it is very difficult to achieve. It is recorded that the achievement of SMP Negeri 2 Boja students in English is the poorest among the other lessons. In addition, it is also proven that English achievement often traps the students into the failure. Some students got very good marks for Indonesian, Math and Science but they got 3 for English, so they could not pass the examination. What a pity!

In fact, if you learn English well and follow all the English class carefully, you will be easy to gain the minimum marks in the final examination.
The next reason is that English is often regarded as a very difficult subject. It is very subjective, of course, since English as a language is very unique and interesting. It is true that for most students they find so many new and strange words with different spelling and pronunciation. These students tend to find English so complicated because they don’t know the meanings, so they regard it as a very difficult subject and prefer leaving it behind to learn it well.
In my opinion, if you can find such an enjoyable way in your age to learn and try to use English as part of your life, you will soon find that English is an interesting and very easy subject.
The last reason why it is essential for you to learn English well is that it now becomes a demand of global modern life. English as an international language is used and spoken by most people in the world. All the global progresses come in English. The technology of electronics, mobile phones, the internet, the science and inventory, life style and still many others come in English. If you want to stay updated and being a part of global modern life, you have to be able to speak and understand English very well.
Make English as our need, learn English as our fun time will make you find English so easy and interesting subject. So you can enjoy learn English because it is very essential for you.

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